Thursday, August 9, 2007

Recap for Wednesday August 8th

The comedians climb aboard a slightly lighter yellow bus only to pull up in front of one of those Medieval Times restaurants. Which by the way, if anyone has not seen the Ugly Betty episode about that I highly recommend it; it was hilarious.

Bill Bellamy in a knight costume looks only slightly manlier, and that fact that all we do is see his face through that costume is not a pretty sight. And then when he takes off the mask it only makes his head seem tiny in comparison to the rest of his body, which is still in armor.

They then proceed to show us an inordinate amount of food, which I’m not sure how Matt is supposed to even swallow.

Out come out the giant beach ball (Lavell) and man in dress (Doug) to face off in a comedy set. Levell makes some funny jokes about getting smoked by a dragon and getting his clothes at the Medieval Big & Tall. Why does Doug keep walking around? He’s not that funny by the way. Lavell seems to be the clear winner and the executioner takes Doug away.

Next up are Ralph and John. John makes one funny joke. Ralph changes perspective a little bit by addressing the King. Somehow his jokes are bombing. He clearly loses and gets taken away by the executioner. What happened Ralph!?!

Next guy completely bombs too, something has happened with either the audience or the comedians; he’s even getting booed. Poor guys. Amy’s next and even though I don’t even know what she said she wins.

Matt looks like a lemur once again. But he seems to do a lot better than the last lot. Then Debra is I think less funny than Matt, it seems pretty close though. The funniest thing was seeing the pair’s faces looking up to see who might have won. Debra finally wins by THREE FLAGS!

Round 2:

- John vs. Lavell, John pulls this one off.

- Amy vs. Debra, Amy wins.

So it’s Amy vs. John for the final. Then they have an intermission with some knights fighting. Amy states the obvious, which is that “to win immunity would be like a life saver”.
John’s dragon went out on a drinking binge with Lindsey Lohan and failed the Breathalyzer test. Amy hasn’t been this excited since she lost her chastity belt to her cousin. I personally thought Amy was funnier once she got into it, but John unfortunately wins the immunity challenge. Lavell is throwing him looks so he feels like he might be a target for the head to head challenge later on.

The head to head is between Debra and Matt – I’m sad because I like them both and I don’t like the fact that one of them has to go home tonight.

Bill doesn’t get a chance to do a mini-set, which I have to admit I’m thankful for. Oops, I spoke too soon. Actually, it was one of his better mini-sets.

Debra starts off. I thought she killed even despite the fact that I hate that she automatically goes for the fat jokes. Then it’s Matt. He makes a very funny joke about helping Debra put her bra on, so based on tonight’s set I really think they both deserve to stay, can’t they kick someone else off!?! Damn this is intense, it’s the closest margin in Last Comic Standing history…55% of the votes go to…Matt. So sad to see Debra go but I’m also very happy for Matt. He’s now 1 of 7 comics left. See you next week!

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